On March first I got a call from my Transplant Team: I was not a candidate for transplant. The problem was my social support as I healed. They had issues with my mom also helping care for my nan and how far away my boyfriend lives. Insert shock and then tears. This is not a final no. A social worker will be calling me to discuss and regroup. But I have no idea what to do. I have plenty of people that will care for me. So what the hell is going on? I was shocked and felt like I will never make the committee happy. I worked my butt off so much and worked on getting plenty of support. After sleeping on it, I feel better and ready to tackle the issue. As of publication, I have not heard from the social worker. As frustrated as I am with that, I have/had two exciting things this month. My boyfriend came down for five days to visit me and I am going to Disney World for the last week of March. For my mental health, I have decided I will call the Transplant Liaison the first week in April if I have not heard from the social worker. I made a decision to be present in these fun events and refuse to let the stress and anxiety consume me. Medical Updates: • Kidney function is stable, potassium is also normal • I saw my rheumatologist for the last time and thanked him for taking care of me • I have hit my typical dosage of IGg for Sub Q. We learned I don’t have enough fatty room in my leg so that site will not be an option for me • I have seen a marked difference in my face since my last dermatologist appt
Audrey Elaine Adamson
Instagram: @spoononthewall
Blog: spoononthewall.wordpress.com